Our Mission 

The Masco Support Services group of customer centric organizations provides relevant customer
intelligence, analytic insights, brand representation and focused project execution. 

We are a team of diverse opportunity seekers dedicated to the principles of customer focus,
continuous improvement, equity and inclusion, 
and integrity. 

These core values fully leverage the impact of our shared resources and processes, 
delivering commercial excellence as a Masco competitive advantage.

Masco Support Services se enorgullece de formar parte de Masco Corporation 

“MSS es una organización que trata sobre las personas. Lo que más me ha afectado en cada etapa de mi carrera
es que he tenido compañeros de equipo y líderes que se han preocupado por mi bienestar personal antes que nada más”.
- Rodney, Analista de Ventas
It has come to our attention that there have recently been some employment scams that have utilized reputable companies' names, including ours, to solicit personal information as part of a fraudulent hiring scam. Please note that all of our open positions are posted at https://jobs.masco.com/mascosupportservices and any role not posted there is not a role we have open. If you are seeking a position at Masco Support Services, we recommend you call us directly at (704) 660-7240 if you have any questions about our hiring process, need to verify a Masco Support Services posting or offer or need to speak with a company representative directly.